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Friday, March 11, 2011

Definitely 23

Dear diary,

Today I'm officially 23. i am very damn afraid of that number. they always say its just a number, but why doesn't I feel that way? I feel that bigger number carry more responsibilities, more hope for the future, more burden. Last night, everything seems like a disaster, but today I feel very happy and excited. I am just relieve that this day is over. In life, I don't know what I want yet. But I guess, I'll figure it out sooner or later. To conclude, what I really want this year, is to be happy, to have a satisfying life. I really don't want anymore fights. I'm just so tired. Please please god, give me a peaceful life. Put it in their heart, to be a forgiver person.
That is what I really want, I just want to be happy with my life, not money neither expensive things. What I did realize when my age starts increasing, I could feel that money does not matter that much, happiness are. To those who have given me your love, I would like to say lots of thanks. I know I'm complicated to put up with, I would say that I do have personality disorder, but u guys love me anyway, and I really appreciate it. Without that, I guess I would have lose my grip in reality. U guys made me still sane in the chaotic world.
I'm not gonna yap how my birthday celebration are,but like always, it is sweet~hehe. Thanks! Its different but I love it anyway, although I do miss some people on the occasion. But that's life. The season is always changing. Ooohhh, I wonder, why does people keep saying that by 23, 'da besar ni..harap semakin matang' Don't worry guys. I will. Let time educate me to reach that level. Sooner or later, I will. I promise.pinky swear. I do will.
Well, that's a wrap everybody.Happy sweet 23rd to all the year of 1988. Years of the mighty dragon. *wink